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Volledige tekst van: The United States Supreme Court on the Doctrine of Equivalence in Warner Jenkinson v. Hilton Davis: An Inspiration for Europe? en vindplaats

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Titel: The United States Supreme Court on the Doctrine of Equivalence in Warner Jenkinson v. Hilton Davis: An Inspiration for Europe?
Auteur(s): Dick van Engelen
Publicatiedatum: 1998-03-01

The decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Warner-Jenkinson, Inc. v. Hilton Davis Chemical Co. has received a lot of attention in the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the existence and scope of the Doctrine of Equivalents under U.S. patent law. This judgement provides inspiration for the European context. Article 69 of the European Patent Convention and the Protocol on the Interpretation thereof, require courts in the various European jurisdictions to apply a Doctrine of Equivalents, albeit within reason. In determining the scope of that Doctrine, the national European courts should not so much apply their old, national doctrines, but should develop new and harmonized European criteria, instead. However, there is no possibility to appeal from any national decision to a European court with appellate jurisdiction...

Vindplaats: I.P.Q, Issue 2 (1998), pp. 149-164.
Online bron: Ventoux

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The United States Supreme Court on the Doctrine of Equivalence in Warner Jenkinson v. Hilton Davis: An Inspiration for Europe?

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